Moxibustion Chinese Medicine

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy held very near the surface of the skin at specific body acu – points that produce the therapeutic effect.

Moxibustion Chinese Medicine

Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy that may stimulate acu – points on the body. The most common combustible material used is medicated wool derived from the leaves of argy worm wood (Artemisia Argyi).

This wood is compressed into a cigar shape known as “Moxa Sticks” that are lit and left to smoulder producing a unique form of very penetrating heat. The glowing end of the moxa stick is held very near the surface of the skin at specific body acu – points that produce the therapeutic effect. 

Moxibustion services at Alternate Therapeutics Atherton, may assist with arthritis, blood circulation issues, gut health, women’s, and men’s health issues.