Hydro – Acupuncture is a therapeutic remedy that prompts the body to treat the cause of the complaint.
Hydro – Acupuncture
Like Acupuncture, it is a drug-free therapeutic needling therapy that may be combined with Acupuncture. Hydro – Acupuncture involves injecting a small amount of sodium chloride solution into traditional acupuncture points (acu-points, extraordinary points or ashi points) on the body.
It is used for tender or painful points along the channel / meridian or the tight band / knot along a muscle causing pain and inflammation. The goal of Hydro – Acupuncture is to provide nutrients and hydration to the tissues needed to calm and recover. Several sites may be injected in one visit.
It is a therapeutic remedy that prompts the body to treat the cause of the complaint. Hydro – Acupuncture at Alternate Therapeutics Atherton may assist with acute and chronic sport injuries, inflammation, arthritis, and pain management.